A Bridge Between Elementary and Middle School
Chadwick offers a unique educational bridge between the elementary and middle school years through our distinctive sixth-grade program. A talented team of teachers, wholly dedicated to sixth-grade instruction, usher students from the self-contained elementary structure to the departmentalized experience of middle school, focusing on character-building and fueling a lifelong love of learning.
Highlighted by small class sizes, a robust variety of challenging learning experiences, a range of instructional styles, and ample support and guidance, the sixth-grade experience reflects every bit of Chadwick’s commitment to teach our students to Think. Do. Lead.
The Best of Both Worlds
Village School Social-Emotional Benefits
Sixth graders play an important role as leaders of the Village School — Chadwick’s elementary division. Locating the sixth grade in a dedicated section of our Village School helps us meet students’ social-emotional needs, particularly at a time when the grade enrollment doubles, self-consciousness grows and friendships evolve.
Middle School Academic Benefits
Sixth graders follow a modified Middle School schedule, including block periods, preparing them for the next steps in their educational journeys. In addition, Chadwick’s advisory program begins in the sixth grade, as does support from our Middle School Counselor and Middle School Learning Specialist.
Curriculum Overview: An Integrated Approach
The sixth-grade experience powerfully integrates the academic and co-curricular programs with an emphasis on Chadwick’s Core Competencies of character, collaboration, communication, courage, critical and creative thinking, and cultural competence.
In so doing, students develop the tools to meet our Mission of developing global citizens with keen minds, exemplary character, self-knowledge and the ability to lead.
In addition to the core academic subjects — math, English, science, social studies and global languages — the sixth-grade curriculum includes physical education, performing arts, visual arts, and STEM.
We create instructional opportunities to move students to develop their own leadership, healthy decision-making and executive functioning skills, social-emotional learning, and responsible digital citizenship.
Sixth-Graders Learn To:
Be more independent, as they balance responsibility and freedom
Transfer the skills learned in class and apply them to other areas of life
Develop personal investment in and increasing responsibility for their learning
Develop an appreciation for diversity in its many forms
Understand and respect the feelings of others, recognizing that more than one perspective may be valid
Think through challenging situations, anticipate outcomes and adjust behavior based on our Core Values
Choose friends thoughtfully and hone skills for entering new groups
Set boundaries, negotiate conflict and cope with peer pressure
Admit missteps and take ownership of their ideas, choices and behaviors
Be assertive, find their true voice and develop leadership skills
Social-Emotional Learning
Our sixth-grade advisory program builds upon the foundation of Chadwick’s Core Values of honesty, respect, responsibility, fairness and compassion. In their small advisory groups, sixth-graders find a space to connect, get support from their community and seize opportunities to become their best selves.
Sixth-Grade Academic Curriculum
The sixth-grade academic program develops foundational learning habits and skills that prepare students for even greater success in Middle School, Upper School and beyond. In addition to the core subject in the brochure below, we continue to incorporate a variety of specialized areas into the curriculum that widen student experiences and opportunities, inspire individual interests, and develop well-rounded young people.
Click below to view the Sixth-Grade Curriculum Guide.
Beyond The Classroom
With Chadwick’s Core Values of honesty, respect, fairness, responsibility and compassion as their guide, sixth-grade students engage in meaningful activities beyond the classroom, where a world of self-expression and expansion awaits.
Outdoor Education
At the beginning of the school year, sixth-grade students embark on a five-day trip to Catalina Island where they engage in an immersive Catalina Island Marine Institute (CIMI) course. Current and new Chadwick students have a chance to connect and deepen relationships while experiencing hands-on learning. Watch this video to learn more about this special trip.
Day and night time kayaking and snorkeling excursions teach students about marine biology and the aquatic environment. In addition, our sixth graders participate in a second outdoor education trip in the spring to reinforce their connection with nature and develop skills in preparation for their Middle and Upper School trips.
See what students get to experience in the Middle School Outdoor Education and the Upper School Outdoor Education programs.
Community Service
By the time they reach the sixth grade, Chadwick students have learned the importance and value of community service. Building on their efforts in the Village School, sixth graders engage in meaningful leadership, mentoring and service projects that open their eyes to the impact they can have on their communities and the world at large.